In order for students to really take advantage of a dance class, the classroom must meet a set of requirements both technical and ambiental.
The floor: A student's equilibrium suffers if the floors aren’t good quality. If you are going to competitions you probably know that the dance studio’s floor should be as similar as possible to the competition floor. You need to get used to the type of floor or else it could become a major disadvantage.
The mirrors: It’s not a matter of vanity, we want to face the mirror when we are demonstrating steps, we want to see what the audience sees and we want immediate visual feedback to that we can correct ourselves immediately.
Also, this could be a great tool for teachers to monitor more students at the same time. Look for mirrors that do not offer a distorted image of the body.
A low noise level: This is mandatory because the absence of noise increases concentration and therefore favors learning. In addition to demanding physical conditions known by most, dance also requires speed of reaction and sensory memory. The dancer has to concentrate, and shouldn’t be bothered by the construction site next door.
To learn to dance it is necessary to have a clear, clean space and a good environment, with great facilities. There, the dancers can disconnect from the world and focus.
There is no other dance studio like ours.
Fully equipped, welcoming facility with flattering lighting. You will feel right at home in our studio's cozy atmosphere. In addition to our state of the art facility, our dance studios offers 24hrs cctv cameras & a viewing monitor for parents & guardians to observe the class.